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What You Can Expect & Find.

Committed to Excellence

From tackling personal decisions to reaching important milestones, my job is to guide you on the path of success. I’m fueled by my commitment to excellence and go the extra mile to make sure clients are fully satisfied with my work with them.


As a professional Licensed NLP Consultant, I believe in maintaining a positive mindset, creating partnerships with a purpose, and always striving for significant outcomes.

We can work on:

Mental Fitness in Sport

Personal and Professional life enhancement

Goals Settings

and more!

I highly believe that you already have all the resources that you need to get the life that you were meant to have. I can help you accessing those Resources and have you enjoying the process!

Contact me today for an initial consultation, and find out more about how I can tailor my services to your needs.

About: Inner_about
More About Me

In a nutshell: I am the only Licensed NLP Coach Trainer and Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnosis by the Society of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM practicing here in Australia that has studied under the direction of Dr. Richard Bandler, the original co-inventor of this technology.


More details? Keep reading:

Born in Italy, practiced Martial Arts for 15yrs, Bachelor in Physical Education, Circus and Theatre Performer, Director, Actor and Coach for most of my life and I always had the Passion to teach what I know.

Always been driven by how to get the most out of our potential as human beings and children of this Universe, I decided to study both how to use our Body as much as how to use our Brain and our Creativity in the most effective way and how much we are more than what we think we are.


We were born for greatness, but we weren't born with a Manual about how to use what we have and who we are, effectively.


~ NLP was invented to model exceptional people that achieved exceptional results and as a consequence, being able to replicate being very effective in what we want to do.


I studied Martial Arts (both the Physical and the Spiritual, Energetic side of it) in Italy and Circus in Europe and at the National Moscow Circus School and I started my NLP studies in Adelaide (South Australia) after an accident that had me stopping my physical activity.

NLP changed my life, I wanted to change other people's lives too, and I wanted more!

I always thought that by standing on the shoulders of "GIANTS" you can see further and better, so... 

I dug deeper to study Movement with Ido Portal, I studied Italian Comedy with the Maestro Antonio Fava and NLP with the co-founder of this technology himself, Dr. Richard Bandler.


I am now helping others in improving their lives through the use of Movement, NLP and Hypnosis. Our body and our Mind are in a cybernetic loop, influencing each other. Change the way you think, it will change the way you feel and it will change how you make your decisions, by opening up choices, opportunities and creativity. I help you creating the best situation to see the best choices you can make to get the life you were meant to be.


Are you committed to take ownership of your choices in life, to create and direct your own destiny and to improve your existence? As you answer YES, well... 

Get in touch to hear what can be done and to see more about what is available to improve your life! Contacts, Services.

My Story
About my commitment
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